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【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2023-9-28)

发布日期:2025-01-04 15:15    点击次数:159

转自:外交部发言人办公室2023年9月28日外交部发言人毛宁主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning'sRegular Press Conference on September 28, 2023经中德双方商定,第三次中德高级别财金对话将于10月1日在德国举行。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理、中德高级别财金对话中方牵头人何立峰将与德国财政部长、对话德方牵头人克里斯蒂安·林德纳共同主持对话。As agreed between China and Germany, the third China-Germany High-level Financial Dialogue will be held in Germany on October 1. Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council and the Chinese lead person of the Dialogue He Lifeng will co-chair the Dialogue with Federal Minister of Finance and the German lead person of the Dialogue Christian Lindner.​彭博社记者:美国华盛顿国家动物园的三只大熊猫将于12月底前返回中国。美国亚特兰大、圣地亚哥和孟菲斯动物园的大熊猫要么已经回到中国,要么将在明年年底前回中国。大熊猫离开美国动物园是否反映出中美关系紧张的加剧?外交部如何看待大熊猫外交?Bloomberg: The three pandas from Washington DC’s National Zoo are set to return to China by December. The three other US zoos that have Chinese pandas, Atlanta, San Diego and Memphis, have all either turned over the pandas or will see them return to China by the end of next year. Does the departure of pandas from US zoos reflect the increased tensions between China and the US? What’s the foreign ministry’s view on panda diplomacy?毛宁:中美双方是从1996年开始开展大熊猫保护研究合作的。美国是最早和中国开展合作的国家之一,也是和中国开展大熊猫合作单位最多的国家,先后一共有4家动物园参与。双方建立了良好的合作关系,取得了丰硕的合作成果,为濒危物种的保护作出了积极贡献。通过双方共同努力,一共繁殖成活17只幼仔,目前仍有7只大熊猫在美。大熊猫为美国民众带来了欢乐,也拉近了中美人民的心灵距离。特别是在新冠疫情期间出生的大熊猫幼仔“小奇迹”,为全世界喜爱大熊猫的人们带来了鼓舞和欢乐。经向有关部门了解,旅居美国华盛顿国家动物园的大熊猫“美香”“添添”和“小奇迹”将于今年年底按期回国。双方合作单位正在商洽相关手续,将共同做好保障工作。Mao Ning: China and the US began cooperation on giant panda conservation and research in 1996. The US is one of our earliest partners and has more institutions than any other country that participate in the cooperation. A total of four US zoos have participated in the cooperation. The two sides have formed good cooperative relations, achieved fruitful results and played a positive role in protecting endangered species. With our concerted efforts, a total of 17 cubs were successfully bred. At present, seven of these giant pandas still live in the US. They have been creating joy for the American people and bringing hearts closer between our two peoples. In particular, the birth of Xiao Qi Ji, whose name means “little miracle”, during the pandemic, brought encouraging news to panda lovers all over the world. We have learned from relevant authorities that the three giant pandas at the National Zoo in Washington—Mei Xiang, Tian Tian and Xiao Qi Ji—will return to China at the end of this year as previously scheduled. The Chinese and US cooperation participants are in consultation over relevant procedures to prepare for their return.大熊猫不仅是中国的“国宝”,也深受世界各国人民的欢迎和喜爱,可以说是友谊的使者和桥梁。中国同很多国家开展大熊猫的保护合作研究,目的是提高濒危物种的保护水平,促进全球的生物多样性保护。我们愿继续同包括美国在内的合作伙伴一道为保护濒危物种加强合作。Giant pandas are not only China’s national treasure, but also ambassadors of friendship adored by people around the world. China engages in giant panda conservation and research cooperation with many countries. The purpose is to better protect endangered species and promote global biodiversity conservation. We stand ready to continue our work with cooperation partners including the US to enhance cooperation on conservation of endangered species.法新社记者:美国总统国家安全事务助理沙利文感谢中方协助美国士兵特拉维斯·金自朝鲜返回。外交部能否介绍中方发挥了什么具体作用?对此事有何评论?AFP: White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has thanked China for its help in returning US soldier Travis King from North Korea. Can the foreign ministry provide any details on China’s role in this matter or does it have any other comments on the situation?​毛宁:应朝方、美方请求,中方从人道主义出发提供了必要协助。Mao Ning: At the request of the DPRK and the US, China provided necessary assistance in the spirit of humanitarianism.​日本广播公司记者:你是否了解恒大集团创始人兼前首席执行官的最新情况?NHK: I’d like to know if you have any updates on the situation of Evergrande’s founder and ex-CEO.​毛宁:我不掌握你提到的有关情况。Mao Ning: I have no information on what you mentioned.​彭博社记者:台湾防务部门首次试航“海鲲军舰”柴油电动潜艇,该艘潜艇系台湾为增强海上防御能力投入数十亿美元打造的8艘舰船之一。外交部对此有何评论?Bloomberg: On Taiwan’s submarine. The Taiwanese defense ministry staged the first sea trial of the diesel-electric vessel. The submarine named “Hai Kun” is one of eight new vessels being developed under a multi-billion dollar program to bolster Taiwan’s naval defenses. Does the foreign ministry have any comments on the submarine?​毛宁:这不是一个外交问题。台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分,两岸统一必然要实现。民进党当局顽固坚持“台独”分裂立场,挥霍台湾老百姓的血汗钱,制造两岸的对立对抗,只会破坏台海的和平稳定。Mao Ning: This is not a question about foreign affairs. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait must and will be realized. The DPP authorities have clung stubbornly to the separatist position for “Taiwan independence”, squandered hard-earned money of people in Taiwan and sought to create antagonism and confrontation across the Taiwan Strait, which will only undermine cross-Strait peace and stability.​******************根据2023年中秋节、国庆节假期安排,外交部例行记者会将于9月29日(星期五)至10月6日(星期五)休会,10月9日(星期一)恢复。休会期间,外交部发言人办公室将照常接受记者传真、电邮或微信提问。  The regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be adjourned from September 29 (Friday) to October 6 (Friday) for the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day holiday and resumed on October 9 (Monday). During the adjournment, correspondents may reach the Spokesperson’s Office by fax, E-mail or WeChat. 

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